Silhouette soft – Discreet & effective non-surgical facelift

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For many years, Radiofrequency and Ultrasound technologies have been relied on for lifting the lower cheek and face, however, they were not as effective on sagging cheeks.

As we age our face begins to droop downwards. Dermal fillers are a good option for restoring lost volume, however, if too much is injected they add excessive volume to the already drooping face which results in a bloated and unnatural looking face.

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Skin Lifting with Threads – The crucial part

The crucial part to skin lifting is to bring the skin and fat back to its original position. Surgery is one solution to treat this problem however, most men and women are reluctant to have surgery as it requires some down time. Thread lifts provide the perfect solution. Threads are inserted through a small incision point under the skin and are then pulled to tighten the skin. When they were first brought onto the aesthetic market they were secured with mesh and a stitch. They have steadily advanced and now have barbs and cones to catch the skin better.

Silhouette Soft: A Minimally Invasive Threadlift

Nowadays, the demand for non-invasive procedures is even higher. The traditional thread lift is now even deemed too invasive. The non-invasive thread lift Silhouette Soft now holds the answer. IT is inserted into the skin via needles which means there are no incisions or stitches needed. The threads are made up of Polylactic acid which completely dissolves in the body after a period of time. The threads have cones positioned in two directions to hold onto the skin. There are immediate results. The cones and threads dissolve in around 6 months but there is continued lifting for at least another year as the skin tissues have been fixed into their new position.

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Silhouette Soft is revolutionary because as well as giving instant results it gives gradual results as polylactic acid stimulates collagen in the skin which gives the effect of gradual lifting. There is no downtime to the procedure and little risk of complications.

Silhouette Soft Threadlift: The Procedure

The procedure takes under an hour. The practitioner marks out the areas that need to be lifted, then a local anesthetic is injected into those areas to give minimal discomfort. Once the skin has been cleaned the threads are then inserted under the skin by a needle. The threads, once in position are pulled gently to let the cones attach and lift the skin. Any exposed parts of the threads are then cut and the procedure is complete.

There may be some minor side effects including some swelling and bruising but these will resolve within a couple of days while the results continue to improve. The results will last more than a year.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: The Response So Far Silhouette Soft is a revolutionary treatment. It has been shown to lift drooping jowls, double chins, and sagging cheeks. Patients are thrilled to see such dramatic results with such a minimally invasive procedure. Silhouette Soft is a suitable treatment for men and women who want to achieve natural results while combatting the signs of ageing.

LMA Clinic