New facial volumizing treatment

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Forget Anti-Wrinkle Injections bunny lines, the trout pout or even the old pillow face look…Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi from the London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic has the treatment to smooth even the finest of lines! Collagen Stimulation, the new facial volumising procedure leaves no tell-tale signs, but improves facial volume giving patients a rejuvenated, youthful appearance, naturally and gradually!

Stimulating the build-up of the body’s own collagen, Collagen Stimulation  rids fine lines and wrinkles, for long-lasting results.

Collagen Stimulation

Collagen Stimulation

Want high definition cheekbones, a dramatic reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and a natural-looking fuller face? With Facial Skin Tightening from Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi at the London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, you can!

This pioneering non-invasive filler will take off your face in just 2-3 sessions. When injected under the skin, the poly-l-lactic acid (found naturally in the body) stimulates the body’s own collagen production, using a process called inflammation.

To read more about Collagen Stimulation, click here

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LMA Clinic