Velashape III – Latest Generation of RF to treat Cellulite

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The shape of things to come: Velashape III – The latest Generation of Radio Frequencies and Infra-Red treatments for Cellulite

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi is used to seeing patients with multiple concerns, ranging from localised stubborn fatty deposits to skin laxity, cellulite and unwanted ‘figure flaws’ such as saddlebags, muffin tops, bingo wings and bra roll fat.

Worldwide, men and women are becoming increasingly aware of their body image. Body contouring and fat reduction treatments have become very popular and as demand for these treatments increases, so too do the options available for both invasive and non-invasive treatments.


Liposuction has been the most commonly performed invasive solution to unwanted fat and body contouring, however it does not address the other issues patients present with, such as skin laxity, and carries significant cost and downtime to the patient as well as the usual risks accompanying any invasive surgical procedure.

For these reasons and more, many patients wish to avoid surgical intervention and instead look for minimally invasive body shaping and fat reduction treatments that are more affordable and offer little or no downtime such as Smartlipo and Cellulaze laser treatments.

 Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi advises that for those patients who aren’t in need of invasive surgery or minimally invasive options such as Smartlipo, Velashape may be a very suitable option and has already proved itself to be extremely successful at body contouring, treating cellulite, and loose skin and localised fat deposits.

Dr Al-Ayoubi is happy to be leading the way in the UK with one of the very first Velashape III machines in the country.

With over 35 million treatments worldwide and more published studies than any other medical body shaping device globally, safety and efficacy have been proven. Velashape III is the only devise on the market to combine four modalities, pulsed vacuum, Bi-polar radio frequency, Infrared light and Mechanical massage giving a total body shaping and contouring solution.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explains that the infrared focusses on the dermis providing immediate collagen contraction while stimulating fibroblast activity, with the radio-frequency going deeper and concentrating on the hypodermis through controlled thermal stress.

The massage and vacuum offer lymphatic drainage and increased circulation. This, combined with collagen contraction enriches and strengthens loose connective tissue. All of these combined work to produce significant and measurable improvements in cellulite, body shaping and skin laxity.



Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi Velashape III is the third generation of body contouring devices by Synerone Candela offering an increase in energy and refined clinical protocols that achieve consistent, reproducible results in fewer treatment sessions as well as a sleek new design. Velashape III is CE marked for body contouring and FDA cleared for circumferential reduction of the abdomen and thighs.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi says that with a radio frequency power of 150W,  results are achieved much faster with fewer sessions and quicker treatment times to the first and second generations. Due to the higher energy density the tissue heating is improved and therefore fewer treatments are required to achieve an optimal result.

The built in temperature sensor allows consistent RF delivery and better monitoring of tissue which allows the treatment to feel more comfortable than previous machines. With three head sizes, large, medium and small, you can now treat most body parts optimally and with greater versatility.

Post Velashape III patients showed an average measured reduction of 10% in the treated areas, with 97% reported patient satisfaction.

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