Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi attended The Royal Society of Medicine as a guest lecturer, speaking on 3D Facial Sculpting using Collagen Stimulation
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi was honoured to be invited to lecture about Collagen Stimulation and to perform a life Collagen Stimulation master class demonstrating his own advanced techniques in Collagen Stimulation treatment at The Royal Society of Medicine in London.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explained that Collagen Stimulation is a long lasting, clinically-proven, non-invasive injectable treatment that is designed to smooth out and soften lines and wrinkles, restore facial volume and contour the face in a natural way. Collagen Stimulation achieves a fresher, younger-looking appearance, probably used by many Hollywood stars who deny having surgery but look to have defied age and remain still naturally good looking without a “done” plastic appearance.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi listened to Mr Andrew Morris from Sinclair Pharma lecturing on Sinclair Pharma as a speciality Phama company that provides aesthetic dermatology solutions through collagen stimulation and scar management.
He went on to explain why Sinclair has included Collagen Stimulation into their company products; hence Collagen Stimulation, or poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), is a unique facial injectable that replaces collagen lost during the aging process.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi stressed that Collagen Stimulation is the only volumiser scientifically designed to stimulate natural collagen growth and lasts more than two years.
Traditional dermal fillers only address wrinkles, lines and folds; Collagen Stimulation works differently. It replenishes lost volume by stimulating growth of your own natural collagen to treat the underlying causes of facial aging.
Collagen Stimulation works differently from traditional fillers. It’s a unique collagen replenishing treatment that helps to gradually and subtly reduce lines, wrinkles and folds. By helping to replenish your own facial collagen and restore lost volume, it can give a fuller, more natural look that can last for up to 3-5 years.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi mentioned that Poly-L-lactic acid, the main ingredient of Collagen Stimulation has been used successfully in surgical procedure for more than 40 years, among others for bioresorbable sutures, in bone plates and screws, and as a medium for medication.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi stressed that Collagen Stimulation treats most areas of the face that may have particularly deeper lines, wrinkles and folds. On average 2-4 treatments are required and results should be noticeable after approximately 2 – 4 weeks (however, in some patients this may take longer or require more treatments).
Unlike surgical options, Collagen Stimulation can provide gradual, natural-looking results via less traumatic treatment. Results usually start to become more visible after 4-6 weeks.
Patients can achieve a full face lifting effect which usually lasts up to 3-5 years.

Collagen Stimulation works differently from traditional fillers. It’s a unique collagen replenishing treatment that helps to gradually and subtly reduce lines, wrinkles and folds. By helping to replenish your own facial collagen and restore lost volume, it can give you a fuller, more natural look that can last for up to 25 months. The main ingredient of Collagen Stimulation is poly-l-lactic acid, which has been successfully used in surgical operations for more than 25 years. Collagen Stimulation is long lasting, biocompatible, and biodegradable.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explained that Collagen Stimulation can be used to correct:
Loss of fat and soft tissue in the face, premature ageing of the face, hollow cheeks and temples, nose to mouth folds, deep folds and wrinkles, marionette lines, sagging jowls, wrinkly chest / décolletage, wrinkly hands, deep acne and traumatic scarring.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi spoke about how Collagen Stimulation Aesthetic works to replace lost collagen in a series of treatments. On average, three/ four injection sessions are needed over a period of a few months. The number of injection sessions and the number of injections per session vary from person to person.
Collagen Stimulation Aesthetic works within the deep dermis, the skin’s structure is reinforced as Collagen Stimulation Aesthetic helps to replace lost collagen. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation that gradually restores the look of fullness of the shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that has been depleted over time. The results of Collagen Stimulation Aesthetic are different because Collagen Stimulation gradually and subtly corrects these facial wrinkles. This can provide a refined, more youthful looking appearance that can last more than three – five years.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi discussed his advanced Collagen Stimulation technique to treat deep acne and traumatic scarring and about Collagen Stimulation as an injectable treatment that restores volume to the skin, leaving the face looking fuller and younger by stimulating through a natural and gradual process of inflammation encouraging the build-up of the body’s own collagen which helps to get rid of lines and wrinkles and gives a volumising effect to the skin.
Collagen Stimulation is suitable for both woman and men of different ages and it can help with deep folds around the mouth and nose, sunken cheeks, facial scars, deep acne scars and loose skin.”
In the 30s:
Collagen production slows down and then becomes dormant. This is an ideal time to start Collagen Stimulation to keep the collagen reserves active and for skin tightening
In the 40s:
Collagen Stimulation is ideal for long lasting line and wrinkle correction and enhances cheek volume and stimulates collagen in a natural way.
In the 50 and onward:
Collagen Stimulation is ideal to restore facial contours and volume and correct facial laxity and improve the jaw line and other areas and patients can achieve full face lifting without the need for aggressive surgery with results lasting up to 5 years.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi’s lecture at The Royal Society of Medicine was attended by a large number of cosmetic and plastic surgeons that have an interest in Collagen Stimulation . Collagen Stimulation was officially approved by the MHRA in the UK and the FDA in the USA, for restoration and/or correction of the signs of facial fat loss (lipoatrophy) and is used in the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles.

Collagen Stimulation: With the natural ageing process, the skin loses its full, firm, youthful appearance and becomes thinner and starts to wrinkle, and the fat tissue which helps to fill out our faces is lost, causing skin to sag and wrinkle further.
For some people, the loss of fat tissue and the reduction in skin volume can make their face look thin and narrow and due to this, they can look tired and appear older than they actually are.

Collagen Stimulation works by stimulating the build-up of your body’s own collagen to get rid of lines and wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance but with gradual, natural looking.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explained in his lecture that Collagen Stimulation is formulated by mixing mirco particles of poly-L-lactic acid, with 5ml of sterile water and 1ml 1% Lidocaine.
The treatment consists of the product being injected deep into the fatty tissue of the face. It is uncomfortable rather than painful and the session lasts about half an hour.
The mechanism of action is the stimulation of a foreign-body reaction and stimulation of collagen production (characterized by increased macrophages, mast cells, and lymphocytes).
The resulting tissue is natural with normal contours, restored mid- face volume, a firmer jaw line, better cheek bones and apple cheeks.

Collagen Stimulation particles show signs of breaking down around 6-9 months and are gone by 9-12 months.
The duration of the effect has been repeatedly demonstrated in prospective clinical studies of at least 4-5 years. Follow-up reports are showing good continued persistence of results.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi mentioned that Collagen Stimulation requires planning over 12-16 weeks as 3 treatment sessions are usually needed with a minimum interval of 4 weeks between each Collagen Stimulation session. Final results are at 6-10 months. Younger patients starting in their twenties report changes at 3-4 months, often after their first treatment.

Collagen Stimulation provides an alternative option to both traditional surgery and some less longer-lasting non-surgical treatments.
The science behind Collagen Stimulation involves more than 40 years of use in human medical applications. From absorbable sutures to resorbable screws, it has proven to be biocompatible, well tolerated and effective.