Dr Ayahm Al-Ayoubi a guest lecturer speaker at the 7th International Jeddahderm Dermatology & Cosmetics Conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi was hounerd to be invited to lecutre at The 7th Jeddahderm Dermatology & Cosmetics Conference in Jeddah, the Bride of the Red Sea. The JeddahDerm conference has become known to be the must-attend conference in the region for those working in the field of Dermatology and Cosmetics.
The previous six Jeddaderm meetings attracted speakers and delegates from around the globe. The organizers of jeddaderm are have worked hard to keep the same scientific mix that made past conferences a success, bringing together the expertise of Surgeons, dermatologists and other interested healthcare workers to exchange ideas and help advance the growth of our specialty.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi from London Medical And Aesthetic clinic, 1 Harley street, London UK was privileged to lecture at the conference alongside other international speakers such as Dr Marc Heckmann, Professor of Dermatology, Munich University, Senior Consultant Dermatologist for Argirov Medical Hospital, International Hyperhidrosis Society, Germany.
Also Dr Eggert Stockfleth, President of Skin Care In Organ Transplant Patients,Network, European Academy of Dermatology, Head, European Skin Cancer Foundation, Head, Skin Cancer Centre Charité ,Vice Chairman of Department of Dermatology, Berlin, Germany lectured about latest developments in skin care treatments.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi and Giovanni Salti , Director, Aesthetic Medicine Department at Medlight, Consultant International Trainer at IBSA, Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery, Istituto Medlight, Florence, Italy discussed the latest developments in laser Aesthetic medicine and Dr Suzan Taylor Professor of Dermatology, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University & University of Pennsylvania, American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Dermatology, Member of the American Medical Association, USA has shared her views as well.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi and Dr Hanjin Kwon, Professor of Seokyung University, College of Beauty & Cosmetics, President of Dermaster Clinic Network, Korea and Dr Jong Na, Skin Stem Cell Research Centre, University of California, Irvine, USA and Dr Alessio Redaelli Professor at the University of Padua,Board Editor of Journal of Clinical Dermatology,Founded Medical Aesthetic, Director for the research and experimentation area SIES, Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery,Milan, Italy have shared their views about the latest techniques in laser cosmetic treatments.
Dr Ayham AL-Ayoubi lecture about the latest developments and the future of laser body contouring surgery was one of the keynote lectures attended by Dr Andreas Wollenberg, Professor & Consultant Dermatologist and Allergy Specialist, Head of the branch Grosshadern and Eczema Office, Department of Allergy and Immunology, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. As well as the renenowed Dr Xanya Weiss, International Director of Research and Training Center, Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi and Dr Ahmad Al- Qahtani, Assistant professor at the faculty of medicine and health sciences in the UAE University discussed the Smartlipo Laser Assisted Liposuction surgery and Dr Sami Al-Suwaidan, Consultant Dermatologist and Laser Surgeon, from the Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Medica Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with Dr Saad Al Ajla,n Consultant Dermatologist from King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia have shared their views about the latest laser treatments.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi lecutred about the revolutionary smartlipo laser technology which was originally developed in Italy in year 2000 after 12 years of extensive research and clinical studies. Smartlipo – laser lipolysis technique has been used successfully in Italy, Japan and Brazil from year 2000.Smartlipo is considered to be a safe, minimally invasive laser surgical procedure using an advanced laser to reduce unwanted stubborn fat from most areas of the body under local anesthetic or under light IV sedation or general anesthetic without the need for aggressive surgery and without leaving any marks.
Smartlipo revolutionized liposuction and has become the gold standard of laser lipolysis. Using light energy, the tissue selective laser melts the fat before it is aspirated, allowing for easier patient recovery and greater sculpting control for the surgeon.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi has developed the concept of laser assisted liposuction technique in 2007, which is based on lasering the fat tissue using Smartlipo laser energy, followed by skin tightening by taking advantage of the thermal effect of the laser energy, after which he uses the suction machine or the bodyjet liposuction technique to suck out the liquefied fat. He has revolutionized the Smartlipo treatment being the first surgeon to combine the gentle liposuction with Smartlipo for more rapid results without relying on the traditional laser liposis alone.

Smartlipo TriPlex the first multiplex triple wavelength laser lipolysis workstation that’s designed to treat all patients giving the best body contouring results with more effective laser lipolysis, proven tissue coagulation resulting in tightening, reliable, controlled energy delivery, reduced liposuction treatment time and less downtime, less bleeding and bruising and high-definition sculpting capabilities.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi spoke during his lecture about the new member to the laser lipolysis field, the SmartLipo Triplex, offers greater fat reduction and skin tightening and it is an improvement upon the SmartLipo MPX series. The Triplex adds another benefit to the original Smartlipo system with an additional wavelength. It is the first laser lipolysis technology that uses three wavelengths which are well absorbed by fat.

Smartlipo Triplex is also equipped with a feature known as ThermaGuide which constantly measures the temperature under the skin and controls the output of energy, ensuring that the treatment area stays within a safe range so that it is hot enough to work efficiently, but not so hot as to cause the patient harm.
Finally, it had a breakthrough; Smartlipo works by making a tiny incision, under local anaesthetic, and then emulsifying the fat by rupturing the membrane of the fat cell using the light, not the heat, of the laser. The contents of the fat cell leak out and the cell itself no longer has a function so is removed by the body.
The first machine had six watt energy and was fantastic in small areas such as under the chin, and for small amounts of tummy or thigh fat but I had many patients wanting much larger areas dealt with. The machine wasn’t producing the results wanted and the length of the procedures meant discomfort for the patients.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explanied that the Smartlipo TriPlex laser is the latest generation of laser lipolysis workstations. This new platform offers a solid state Nd:YAG laser capable of emitting laser radiation in three wavelengths: 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm. These versatile wavelengths can be used independently or can be uniquely blended using MultiPlex™ technology.

Smartlipo: The new and improved Smartlipo TriPlex design gives greater absorption in fatty tissue, the addition of the 1440 nm wavelength to Smartlipo significantly exceeds the performance of all diode lasers (924 nm and 980 nm). SmartLipo Triplex adds a 1440 nm wavelength to the MPX generation of the laser. The three wavelengths are combined in one laser output. Two wavelengths fire sequentially, liquefying the fat and tightening the skin with collagen stimulation.
The 1064 and 1440 wavelengths combine for fat liquefaction and the 1064 and 1320 wavelengths combine for collagen stimulation and blood vessel coagulation. This combination provides both fat reduction and skin tightening so that patients can often avoid additional procedures to remove the loose skin people often experience after liposuction.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi expand in his second part of his lecutre about Cellulaze Laser, which is the World’s First Aesthetic Laser with minimally invasive surgical approach to treat cellulite beneath the surface of the skin for the long-term reduction of cellulite.
An estimated 85 percent of women over age 20 are affected by cellulite, a degenerative and largely untreated condition in which dimply herniations and depressions develop within the layers of the skin.The cause of bad cellulite isn’t skin deep. It runs much deeper than that. Uneven, dimpled skin begins to affect most women after puberty and the problem usually becomes worse with age. And the after effects of childbirth can only make matters worse.

Cellulite is enlarged pockets of fat that are pushed towards the skin’s surface by tight, inflexible connective tissue. It’s a problem that plagues even thin women.A healthy diet along with regular exercise can minimize the appearance of cellulite, but diet and exercise alone will never completely eliminate it.
Cellulite and provides scientifically proven, enduring results. The cutting-edge, minimally-invasive laser treatment stretches the skin’s natural thickness for a smoother, firmer, more youthful look.It is the leading cellulite laser treatment facility in the world. Using the most advanced FDA approved laser surgical procedure Cellulaze Treatment our clinic has pioneered this new exciting area of cosmetic surger.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi said: Building on the success of its Smartlipo, Smartlipo MPX and Smartlipo Triplex technology for laser lipolysis, Cynosure have introduced the Cellulaze Laser Workstation, the world’s first minimally invasive surgical device designed to reduce cellulite by restoring the normal structure of the skin and underlying connective tissue.
Cellulaze distinguishes itself from other cellulite treatments, including liposuction, because rather than simply targeting the skin, it focuses on the structural causes of cellulite that lie well below the skin. Patient can see a remarkable difference in the cellulite appearance after just one laser cellulaze procedure.Cellulaze is a breakthrough, revolutionary cosmetic, FDA-approved procedure that wages a relentless war against.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: Usually patients require just one treatment. Cellulaze Laser technology offering a light-based solution for the treatment of cellulite. The system has a solid state Nd: YAG emitting light in the 1440-nm wavelength.

Cellulaze’s laser proprietary SideLight 3D side-firing technology directs controlled, laser thermal energy to the treatment zones, typically the buttocks and thighs.In the Cellulaze Laser surgical procedure, which is performed under a local anesthetic, IV sedation or light general anaesthesia the surgeon inserts a small cannula — a narrow tube the size of the tip of a pen — under the skin.
The Cellulaze laser treatments have demonstrated a benefit from the use of subcutaneous laser energy in terms of tissue tightening through tissue coagulation as well as the regeneration of collagen and connective tissue.
Ayham Al-Ayoubi explains “As with Smartlipo MPX and Smartlipo Triplex Laser workstations, Cellulaze Laser incorporates the proprietary SmartSense and ThermaGuide intelligent laser energy delivery systems and unlike the non-invasive treatment approaches that aim to temporarily treat the appearance of cellulite, Cellulaze Laser uses a three-dimensional approach to directly target the subdermal structure that forms the foundation of cellulite”.

Cellulaze Laser has received FDA approval in the USA (Food and Drug Administration) and CE Mark certification in Europe. Also researches demonstrate long-Term improvements in skin elasticity and skin thickness.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi lecutred about the Cellulaze laser whic has long eluded an effective medical solution, topical cellulite treatments such as creams and lotions, massage, ultrasound and even surgical subcision have all yielded inconsistent, unsatisfactory results. The difficulty in treating cellulite is due to the many factors which produce the dimpled look characteristic of cellulite.
Structural issues within or underneath the dermal layer, including lack of collagen and thinning of the skin, bulging subcutaneous fat and stiffened fibrous connective tissues combine to create the dimpled appearance associated with cellulite. An effective cellulite treatment must address all three major causes of cellulite below the skin: Stiffened fibrous septae, bulging fat and thinning skin.

Cellulaze is a minimally invasive laser treatment specifically designed to attack all three causes of cellulite in just one treatment. Indicated and cleared for a long lasting improvement in the appearance of cellulite, Cellulaze treats the fibrous septae, reduces fat and increases skin thickness and elasticity to flatten and smooth the skin’s surface. After local anaesthesia is administered to the treatment area, the Cellulaze laser fibre, threaded through a cannula, is then inserted through a small incision.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: Cellulaze combines the use of a pulsed ND yag laser and cynosure’s sidelight, side firing laser. As the laser energy is applied to the tissue, micro bubbles begin to form at the tip of the laser, these bubbles serve to disrupt and heat the pockets of fat, at the same time the energy delivered is highly absorbed by the adipose tissue, which efficiently breaks up the tissue and disrupts the fat.
The sidelight technology allows you to directly target the tissue from different angles to treat the underlying causes of cellulite. Next the Cellulaze laser energy is used to thermally subside the septal bands which pull down on the skin and create the dimpling effect. Releasing these bands creates smoother looking skin. In the last step the laser energy is directed upwards and the skin is gently heated. This coagulates the collagen and allows the growth of new collagen, ultimately increasing skin thickness and elasticity.
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