All Body Sculpting treatments including Cryolipolysis should be better regulated

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Non-Surgical and non-invasive Bodysculpting and cellulite reduction treatments including Smartlipo, Bodytite, Cellulaze, Cryolipolysis, Vaser, Velashape and others are very popular in the UK and around the world, and majority of patients are having great results without the need for aggressive surgery, however, if they are performed incorrectly and by the wrong hands, they can cause permanent side effects and serious complications. 

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi of the London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic discusses the importance of more regulations by the government on all types of body sculpting treatments.

Also, patients should take these treatments very seriously and they should check the credibility, qualifications and registration of any clinic offering body sculpting treatment.

One of the body contouring treatments which has become very popular over the last two to three years is Cryolipolysis. – Fat freezing.

Cryolipolysis is advertised as a non-surgical treatment method for fat and cellulite reduction, with little or no side effects; however recent cases have emerged reflecting serious and permanent side effects including burns of the skin and fat tissue.

The recent article highlighted a case of a woman who underwent fat freezing to treat her cellulite but the treatment has left her with permanent burn scars.

According to the media article report, the woman was left for a prolonged period of time without being checked during the treatment, and further more there was no medical history or consent was taken and no adequate skin protection measures were applied during the treatment.

Dr Ayham Al Ayoubi

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi expresses the importance of research before undergoing any cosmetic treatment; he advises that thorough research is performed in both the clinic and doctor who are offering the treatments.

He also believes that patients should be aware of clinics who offer discounts on treatments and patients should remember that those are cosmetic medical treatments which should be taken very seriously.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi recommends that any cosmetic/aesthetic treatments should be carried out by a qualified practitioner with the relevant accreditations and certifications in place. It is also important to choose a licensed clinic which is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

It is very essential to provide adequate consultation and detailed information with pre and post care information, patients are better able to make informed decisions regarding the chosen treatment.

Fat Freezing
Burns following Cryolipolysis treatment performed by an unqualified therapist. 

Under current regulations, some of the cosmetic procedures including Cryolipolysis can be performed by therapists who have no medical training, in spite the fact that they were multiple reports about the side effects and complications including burns, scars and infection.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi strongly endorses a review of the current regulation and proposes that much tighter and rigorous regulation are required for all types of non-surgical cosmetic procedures including Cryolipolysis to ensure patient safety.

To read more Blogs by Dr Ayoubi click here.

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