Many men and women are troubled with stubborn pockets of fat that even with regular exercise and a healthy diet they cannot lose. For many years the only option to treat these areas was to opt for traditional surgical techniques. However, many patients were not happy to have these procedures as they considered it too aggressive. After years of research and study, there is finally a solution to help people regain their confidence. Laser Lipo holds the answer.

What is Laser Lipo?
Laser Lipo is a revolutionary technique for getting rid of pockets of fat that are defiant to diet and exercise.
The surgeon is able to gracefully sculpt the body into the perfect shape using a specialized laser beam that targets the cells that contain fat. The thermal and mechanical effect of the laser is able to fracture the membrane of the adipose cells and transform them into a milkshake-like substance which is absorbed and eliminated from the body naturally.
There is minimal blood loss and bruising associated with this procedure making it a faster, more comfortable recovery and has better results than traditional liposuction and other invasive surgical procedures.

Advantages of Laser Lipo
- It can be performed under a local anaesthetic or under a general anaesthetic.
- The average time for each procedure is 45 minutes to one hour and it does not require an overnight stay in a hospital.
- The size of the incision is very small. It does not require stitches and is barely visible to the eye.
- There is less bleeding and bruising associated with Laser Liposuction when compared to traditional liposuction. It also has a shorter recovery time.
- By the cannula being so small the surgeon is able to move it to different areas of the body very easily without disrupting or damaging any surrounding tissues.
- The liquefied fat can either be suctioned out of the body or it can be eliminated of by the body naturally.
- Liposuction has been known for leaving patients with loose and sagging skin after large amounts of fat have been removed. Laser Lipo not only get rid of the fat; it also tightens the skin so patients are not left with excess skin.
The future of body contouring
Nearly all areas of the body can be improved with Laser Lipo and it is possible to treat more than one area at the same time. Some results can be seen immediately after the treatment; however, the final results will not be seen until two to three months post procedure.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: The popularity of minimally invasive body contouring procedures is constantly increasing. They are able to deliver positive results to a patient who may not have been suitable for liposuction or aggressive surgeries.