SmartLipo Laser Liposuction Vs Traditional Liposuction

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Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : Liposuction procedures are on the rise, with recent figures showing a startling 43% increase in the number of procedures carried out across the UK.

No two bodies are the same, and there are different types of liposuction methods available to cater for a vast range of people.

Traditional liposuction was introduced in the early 1980s and became the standard technique for the next twenty years.

It works by making a small incision in the skin and sucking out the fat with the liposuction device, but the problem lies in the fact that we have two different types of fat: deep, loose fat and superficial fat.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : Surgical Liposuction is a treatment that targets excessive fat from the specific regions of the body, and can be combined with Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck surgery) during the removal sagging, excess skin.

The procedure can last from one to three hours, depending on the area being treated. Surgical Liposuction can be performed on most areas of the body, including the buttocks, breasts, abdomen, knees and chin and is carried out under general anaesthetic.

Suitable candidates for surgical liposuction tend to be larger patients that have a high BMI (Body Mass Index) and wish to treat larger areas of the body.

Generally, surgical liposuction usually results in overnight hospital stay. Patients are also advised to avoid exercise for a few weeks after surgery, but can expect to return to work within 1 week to 10 days.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : Liposuction removes unwanted or excessive body fat, to help achieve a more defined, sculpted appearance.



Minimally-invasive and traditional liposuction techniques allow patients to choose the most suitable procedure for their individual needs and required results:

Liposuction tackles the deep fat but can’t remove the superficial fat because it is very vascular. If you attempt to remove it with liposuction you risk too much bleeding and damage to the skin.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : It was obvious; we needed to find a solution to the superficial fat.

All research at the time was dedicated to finding ways to tackle the superficial fat.

The first approach was applying heat to the surface of the skin in an attempt to emulsify the superficial fat underneath – not through an incision – and lots of different forms of energy were experimented with, including laser, radiofrequency and ultrasound.

These techniques were often combined with traditional liposuction but they didn’t have the desired result because the more energy you apply through the dermis, the more you risk damaging or burning the skin before you even have an impact on the fat underneath.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : Finally, we had a breakthrough; Smartlipo works by making a tiny incision, under local anaesthetic, and then emulsifying the fat by rupturing the membrane of the fat cell using the light, not the heat, of the laser.

The contents of the fat cell leak out and the cell itself no longer has a function so is removed by the body.

The first machine had six watt energy and was fantastic in small areas such as under the chin, and for small amounts of tummy or thigh fat but I had many patients wanting much larger areas dealt with.

The machine wasn’t producing the results wanted and the length of the procedures meant discomfort for the patients.

The company was introducing more and more powerful machines which were producing better results and more comfortable patient experiences, then their sister company in the US, Cynosure, developed Smartlipo MPX.



MPX stands for multiple lasers and the machine employs two lasers. One targets fat membrane and the other targets blood vessels.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : The current Smartlipo MPX is also so much more powerful than the original machine from six watts to 46 watts and that increase in power means you go through tissue easier and tackle larger areas in less time.

It also means increased skin tightening which is crucial when you’re tackling larger areas of fat.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi :The SmartLipo Triplex, offers greater fat reduction and skin tightening.The SmartLipo Triplex Laser is an improvement upon the SmartLipo MPX series.

The Triplex adds another benefit to the original Smartlipo system with an additional wavelength. It is the first laser lipolysis technology that uses three wavelengths which are well absorbed by fat and can be used to treat large areas of fat.

Smartlipo is a revolutionary liposuction method that targets small, stubborn pockets of fat that usually cannot be lost through diet and exercise alone.


Smartlipo – This minimally invasive procedure uses a small probe that emits sound energy to dissolve fat cells, which is subsequently removed through a suction process. The fat cells are separated from other tissue and are targeted directly.

Smartlipo can be carried out under local anaesthetic. In addition to SmartLipo involves less downtime, with a substantially lower rate of bruising.

Smartlipo is the perfect procedure for men or women wanting some definition around their muscles – for example a more prominent six-pack.

Suitable candidates for SmartLipo are patients with an average BMI that wish only to remove small amounts of fat from specific areas of the body.

Smartlipo minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction, and involves the use of microcannulas to remove unwanted fat for smooth, consistent results.

The target area is injected with local anaesthetic, causing swelling and separation of fat cells from surrounding tissue. Minor incisions are made microcannulas are inserted into the area, and remove unwanted fat.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi : Patients can expect to get back to their daily routine next day and no stitching is required.

It is very important that patients do not see liposuction as a weight-loss alternative. We encourage all of our patients to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle, and have realistic expectations when considering liposuction.

LMA Clinic