We pride ourselves to be one of the leading aesthetics clinics in London to introduce the Lustre Pro light technology to treat acne spots. The Lustre Pro has been developed by dermatologists and tested by healthcare professionals specialising in skin conditions with an outstanding proven result.
What is Lustre Pro?
The new Lustre Pro delivers clinically proven blue light therapy to fight spots, and treatment time is only 20 minutes per day, making it easier to fit into the skin care regime.
Many people try different products to treat spots and find nothing seems to work. Lustre Pro harnesses the safe, natural blue part of the visible light spectrum and uses clinically proven technology to reduce spot-causing bacteria, while also being gentle on skin.
Lustre Pro is a small, rechargeable product with slim, flexible therapy heads which target problem areas. The device is portable and treatment is delivered while the product is worn, so acne patients are free to get on with the things they want to get on with.
Lustre Pro is designed to work alongside existing acne therapies to help achieve the best results.
Features of Lustre Pro
- Lustre Pro is a small, rechargeable product with slim, flexible therapy heads, which target problem areas.
- The device is portable and treatment is delivered while the product is worn, leaving acne patients free to get on with the things they want to get on with.
- Can be used at home alongside other acne treatments. Because Lustre Pro is the only wearable acne device it can be used while carrying out normal, everyday activities.
- Has flexible therapy heads, which allow treatment to be targeted to problem areas.
- Exclusively available from specialised aesthetic clinics.
- Has been designed to use alone, as an alternative to prescription medication or creams, or with other treatments as recommended by doctors.
- Can be used as part of an acne treatment programme to help accelerate treatment goals.
How does Lustre Pure Light work?
Blue light therapy (phototherapy) for acne has been used by dermatologists for decades to treat acne.
Until recently the technology to deliver effective phototherapy has been expensive and inconvenient to access, often involving several visits to the aesthetics clinics per week, for several months.
Lustre Pure Light is a technological breakthrough which allows safe, clinically proven phototherapy to be delivered without the inconvenience or associated high costs and can be used alone or as part of an acne treatment programme (adjuvant therapy).
P.acnes, the bacteria which cause acne produce mainly corporphyrin 3 which has an absorption spectrum peak of 415 nm. Photo irradiation of P. acnes colonies with visible blue light has shown to lead to photoexcitation of endogenous bacterial porphyrins, singlet oxygen production and subsequent bacterial destruction.
Lustre Pro delivers the safe, visible part of the blue light spectrum at 420 nm and when used as recommended Lustre Pure Light will deliver a total weekly dose of 28.8 j/cm2.
Lustre Pure Light does not deliver any of the harmful UV-A or UV-B light spectrum and clinically published data shows this wavelength of light delivers a 60% improvement in inflammatory legions at 12 weeks and a 50% improvement in comedone counts at 12 weeks. 65% of patients have a moderate to marked improvement in their acne.
420 nm light speculumn has been clinically proven to effectively destroy acnes without harmful side effects.
How is Lustre different?
All acne treatments have potential side effects and some can be severe. Lustre Pure Light uses only the safe, natural part of the visible light therapy at 420 nm, known as phototherapy, which has been shown to be clinically effective with the added benefit of avoiding the long term risks of UV radiation.