Get Legs Ready for Hot Summer

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Get Legs Ready for Hot Summer

VelaShape – The Ultimate Non-Surgical Body Contouring Treatment.

London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic located at 1 Harley Street offers Velashape, a body contouring and cellulite treatment used to tighten and smooth the skin whilst also tackling cellulite. 

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: VelaShape contours the body and smooth’s away the dimpled skin of cellulite by using three key elements: massaging rollers, infrared light energy, and bi-polar radio frequencies.

Working in tandem, these forces help to improve blood circulation and redistribute fat deposits, eventually improving skin elasticity and trimming inches.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: it has never been easier to achieve a toned, contoured and well-shaped body.


VelaShape treatment is very safe, effective, virtually painless and no downtime. Patients can return to daily activities immediately following treatment.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi, VelaShape massage experience is relaxing and should feel like gentle stroking – it should not feel uncomfortable at all. Many patients also report softening of the tissue after treatment.

VelaShape works on all skin types. The most commonly treated areas are the stomach, abdomen, love handles, upper arms, hips, thighs and buttocks.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi will recommend the appropriate number of Velashape sessions Patient needs.

Patients consistently report significant body contouring results, improved skin texture, skin tightening and reduction of thighs or waist.

For optimal results, most clients receive one treatment per week for four treatments that last about 45 – 60 minutes each. There is no downtime with the procedure; patients can resume patients can resume normal activity immediately following treatment.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: Velashape is a body contouring and cellulite treatment used to tighten and smooth the skin whilst also tackling cellulite.

VelaShape contours the body and smooth’s away the dimpled skin of cellulite by using three key elements: massaging rollers, infrared light energy, and bi-polar radio frequencies. Working in tandem, these forces help to improve blood circulation and redistribute fat deposits, eventually improving skin elasticity and trimming inches.

Velashape for body sculpting

Velashape for body sculpting

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: Celebrity Favourites include – Kim Kardashian, Demi Moore, Madonna, Britney Spears and Sharon Stone are just a few celebrities to use Velashape.

Patients who had Cellulaze laser surgery for cellulite or Smartlipo laser assisted liposuction surgery have already see noticeable results of fat and cellulite reduction; however, they may also experience some slight swelling or bloating.

Velashape will speed up the results post those laser procedures and Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi highly recommend having a course of Velashape after Smartlipo and Cellulaze treatments. 

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi will normally recommend patients to start the Velashape Treatment 3-4 weeks after Cellulaze or Smartlipo procedure.

For optimal results, most patients receive one treatment per week and each session lasts about 20-30 minutes. Patients can resume normal activity immediately following treatment.

Velashape - Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

Velashape – Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

 To read all posts by Dr Ayoubi click here

LMA Clinic