Around 90 per cent of the population suffer from cellulite, however the amount of ‘cures’ can sometimes be overwhelming, leaving us confused about what does and doesn’t work.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi talks us through the top ten most common myths about cellulite…
Weight loss doesn’t entirely help with cellulite
Thinner women don’t get cellulite
Whether your body type is athletic, slender or curvy, we’re all susceptible to cellulite. It’s sun damage, fluctuation of weight and age that enhance the dimples on skin, not your body type.

Cellulaze for cellulite
Weight loss reduces its appearance
Cellulite is not affected by the amount of fat in the body but rather by the connecting tissues between muscles and skin layers. Weight loss cannot help entirely.
Only older generations can get cellulite
Cellulite can affect any age, but with time our skin’s elasticity depletes and the cellulite becomes more visible.
It’s just excess fat
Cellulite actually has much more to do with the structure of our skin. When factors such as age and weight gain take place, the tissues holding our skin tends to weaken, creating the dimply effect we see on our bodies.
Men don’t suffer from cellulite
Men suffer from cellulite, it’s just more common in women. The tissues connecting the skin layers and muscles hiding the fats are stronger in men. Where the female hormone oestrogen produces fats, the male testosterone burns it.
Cellulite doesn’t necessarily affect older generations only
Cardio is the best way to reduce cellulite
Through running is a great way to achieve weight loss, the best way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is with strength and weight training.
The clothes you wear have an impact
There’s clothing marketed as reducing cellulite like tight fit leggings for running. However, it has been shown that wearing tighter clothing can actually make the cellulite dimples more prominent.
Miracle creams reduce cellulite
Most creams tend not to show results until after a few months. They’re usually enriched with caffeine, making them a temporary fix only.
Tanning reduces cellulite
Though some believe tanning beds help the appearance of cellulite, it’s only temporary. Using the beds will make cellulite much worse and develop quicker.
Liposuction will reduce cellulite

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi: Liposuction can actually make the appearance even worse with the uneven distribution of fat under the skin.
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