Elite Laser – The Stars Only Choice For Hair Removal

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Cynosure’s Elite Laser Treatment – the stars only choice of Hair Removal….

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi of The London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is well known for his expertise in cosmetic laser treatments such as Smartlipo – laser assisted liposuction and Cellulaze – laser for the treatment of cellulite.

Another very popular treatment among both women and men at his clinic is laser hair removal. Once again he has led the way in laser treatments with the very sophisticated and advanced Cynosure Elite – Hair Removal Laser.

The Elite workstation is the most comprehensive laser hair removal system today and unlike many laser machines is designed for all skin types, so patient with dark skin who were previously at risk of burning during treatments can now safely enjoy the results of laser hair removal, which no other hair removal treatment can give.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explains that the elite system removes unwanted hair with unsurpassed efficacy and unlike many other laser systems results are shown in as few as three sessions compared with ten to twelve.

The ability to switch between wavelengths during a procedure means the therapist cans select the most appropriate laser for any given skin type.

It is often rumoured that laser hair removal treatments are painful, but with the cool air application blasting the treated area at the same time as the laser zaps the hair follicle, treatments have been described by Dr Ayoubi’s patients as very bearable.

After the initial couple of treatments the hair becomes much sparser and weaker and treatments in return become pain free.

For more sensitive patients there is the option of having a numbing cream such as Emla applied to the area prior to treatment, although the majority of patients say the treatment is less painful than waxing.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi is used to seeing a range of patients, including celebrities so it came as no surprise when reports of Kim Kardashian being a laser hair removal fan emerged. Reports suggested that Kanye West, her husband to be was unhappy for her to have any surgery.

Fortunately one of the ways that Kim maintains her youthful looks isn’t down to a doctor’s scalpel.

Laser Hair removal

Laser Hair removal

Since Kim first hit the headlines in 2006 her face has seemed to change dramatically and her raising hairline has often been source of speculation. Some have hinted that she may have had a full hairline lift, a very painful procedure that can leave scarring.

Dr Al-Ayoubi thinks that the change in appearance may be down to a much less invasive course of laser hair removal to the forehead, removing unwanted hair and thus giving her a new hairline.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi agrees with hair loss expert Dr Asim Shahmalak who has appeared demonstrating his expertise on Channel 4 medical show Embarrassing Bodies after he was quoted in Heat magazine as saying Kim has almost certainly had the baby hair from the front of her hairline removed.

Around 20% of Dr Ayoubi’s female patients have facial hair removal – most commonly on the upper lip and chin.

But hair removal around the hairline as may have happened to Kim is much rarer. He said the procedure was still fairly uncommon but publicity around celebrities was sure to increase demand because many women would have been previously unaware that there was a solution to the problem.

He explains that whilst a similar result can be achieved by a waxing treatment, it is more likely that Kim has opted for laser surgery, a more permanent form of removal.

Unlike with waxing where hair growth continues after treatments, laser hair removal sees a permanent hair reduction and many patients who have been treated have reported permanent removal for as long as four years post treatment.

Laser Hair Removal-Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

Laser Hair Removal-Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi is used to seeing his clinic fully booked with laser hair removal treatments which isn’t surprising as laser hair removal is the fastest growing non-surgical aesthetic laser application.

As many as 3.1 million hair removal procedures were performed in 2006, a 22% increase over 2005 and in years since have continued growing. The amount of male patients opting for laser air removal is also ever-increasing, with many men opting for treatments on areas such as chests and backs.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explains for those patients with reservations that it is fairly painless treatment, as pulses of light from the laser of a pre-determined wavelength pass down the hair follicle and kill it at the root, preventing re-growth, without any sort of damage to the rest of the body.

It is a proven, extremely popular treatment, that can remove unwanted hair permanently from anywhere on the body.

At The London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic the procedure is carried out by a fully qualified aesthetician.

The laser works specifically to attack hair by travelling through the pigment in the hair, down to the root, where the energy is absorbed by the bulb. During this process the follicle gets killed and stops producing hair.

Due to the way the body works and produces hair, you will typically need more than one session per course of treatments as the hair grows in cycles, so you cannot ‘catch’ and disable all follicle in one treatment.

Laser hair Removal

Laser hair Removal- Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi

You will find that following each session, you will be able to go about your daily business as per usual, without any negative laser hair removal side effects.

LMA Clinic