MBBS, MS, MCh, FRCS (Plast)
Mr Shailesh Vadodaria is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon who is on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council.
He completed his medical graduation and was awarded the qualification of MBBS with a Gold Medal. Mr  Vadodaria achieved his Masters Degree in General Surgery (MS) and Plastic Surgery (MCh).
He is specialized in body contouring procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, abdominal reduction, liposuction, correction of male breast (gyneacomastia), and facial plastic surgery (face lift, eye lid and eyebrow surgery, nose and ear correction).
He completed his medical graduation and was awarded the qualification of MBBS with a Gold Medal. Mr Vadodaria achieved his Masters Degree in General Surgery (MS) and Plastic Surgery (MCh) following 6 years of training in these respective specialties. He was also awarded a prize during his training for the best paper presentation by the National Association of Plastic Surgeons and was also awarded an International Travelling Fellowship and J.N.Tata Scholarship for advanced training in Sweden.
Mr Vadodaria had completed his higher surgical training in plastic surgery and awarded FRCS (Plastic Surgery) and now, he has been on the specialist register of the General Medical Council since 2004. He has also had advanced cosmetic surgery training in Sweden, Germany and Belgium.
He was awarded a prize during his training for the best paper presentation and was also awarded an International Travelling Fellowship and J.N.Tata Scholarship for advanced training in Sweden.
Mr Vadodaria has presented more than 50 papers in national and international plastic surgical congresses. He has innovated new instruments, simulators and plastic surgical techniques which are published in peer reviewed plastic surgery journals. Mr Vadodaria has been involved in (in the recent past) as a faculty member in International Plastic Surgery Meetings in Sweden, Germany and Spain.
He has been innovative in designing new instruments, simulators and advanced plastic surgical techniques, many of which have been reviewed and published in industry plastic surgery journals. He is invited regularly to speak and train at International Plastic Surgery Meetings in Sweden, Germany and Spain.
Mr Vadodaria has worked as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the St. George’s NHS Hospital, London, and as an Honorary Lecturer in the division of Surgery at the Sheffield University. During that time he was involved in teaching the medical students and training the plastic surgery trainees. Mr Vadodaria left the National Health Service in 2007 and established his own private practice in order to focus on his interests in Cosmetic Surgery.
- Appraisal of power assisted liposuction under local anaesthetics & sedation – analysis of 50 Consecutive patients, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – Bruno, Zec Republic – November 2008. (Invited faculty)
- Appraisal of power assisted liposuction under local anaesthetics & sedation – analysis of 50 Consecutive patients, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – Athens, Greece – November 2008.
- ‘More than a smile’ Development of cleft lip and palate project in India- Journey of 5 years Europen Craniofacial Congress, Bilbao, Spain, June,2007, Vadodaria S, Mehta S, Lilja J
- A new cleft palate simulator, Europen Craniofacial Congress, Bilbao, Spain, June,2007, Vadodaria S, N. Watkin
- Techniques for closing reidual hard palate defects, Europen Craniofacial Congress, Bilbao, Spain, June,2007, Vadodaria S, Jan Lilja
- Mastering Ear Cartilage Sculpture: The vegetarian option, British Association Of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Summer meeting, Sheffield,2006 Giblin V, Vadodaria S, Mowatt D, Gault D
- A New Cleft Lip and Palate Simulator, European Plastic Surgery Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, Vadodaria S, Watkin N
- Helping Them to Smile’ Cleft Project in India 4 years of experience, Doctors’ Update Meeting, Belle Plagne, France, 2006, Vadodaria S, Sell D, Mars M, Lilja
- Transnasal Endo-assisted Pharyngoplasty, Doctors’ Update Meeting, Belle Plagne, France, 2006, Vadodaria S, Freedlander E
- Surgical Techniques of Closure of Residual Hard Palate Defects, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, 2005, Vadodaria S, Lilja J
- Sensitivity and Specificity of Antenatal Scan in Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate, Freedlander E, Vadodaria S, Hamid A, Sprigg A, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, 2005
- Helping Them to Smile’ Cleft Lip and Palate Charity Project in India 4 years of experience, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, 2005, Vadodaria, Sell D, Mars M, Lilja J
- Use of Tranexamic Acid in Cleft Palate Surgery, (Control of bleeding) Audit meeting, Chelmsford, 2004, Vadodaria S, Sommerlad B
- Comparison of Post-operative Management of Skin Grafts following Wide Local Excision of Malignant Melanoma in Lower Extremities. Glass G, Vadodaria S, B. Powell, Departmental Audit meeting, St.George’s Hospital, London
- Appraisal of Histopathology of Wide Local Excision of Malignant Melanoma Ng D, Vadodaria S, B. Powell, British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Winter meeting, November, 2006
- Median Nerve Injury At The Time of Reversal of Arteriovenous Fistula In Cubital Fossa McGoldrick, Vadodaria S, Fleming A
- Bilateral Buccinator Myomucosal Flaps for Secondary Correction of Velopharyngeal Incompetence Audit Meeting, Chelmsford, 2004, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial, Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, 2005, Vadodaria S, Sell D, Sommerlad B
- A New Cleft Palate Simulator, International Cleft lip and Palate Workshop, London, 2004, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, 2005, Doctors’ Update Meeting, Belle Plagne, France, 2006, Vadodaria S, Watkin
- Long-term Airway Problem in Babies with Pierre Robin Sequence, International Cleft lip and Palate Workshop, London, 2004, Vadodaria S
- Sensitivity and Specificity of Antenatal Scan in Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate, Craniofacial Society of Great Britain Conference, Leeds, 2003, Vadodaria S, Hamid A, Freedlander E, Sprigg A
- A New Approach-Transnasal Endo-assisted Pharyngoplasty, International Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2001 and Regional Audit Meeting, Nottingham, 2001, Multi-disciplinary Audit Meeting, Sheffield, 2002, E,Craniofacial Society of Great Britain Conference, East Grinstead, 2002, Vadodaria S, Ramakrishna V, Jacob S, Freedlander E
- How Accurate is Antenatal Scan for Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate? International Congress of Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2001, Vadodaria S, Hamid A, Freedlander E
- Fistula Rate, Pharyngoplasty Rate and Speech Outcome Following Furlow’s Repair in 28 Children, International Congress of Cleft palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2001, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Armstrong T, Late Emerson J, Freedlander
- Bipedicle Flap: Simple and Safe Solutions for Complex Problems, British Association of Plastic Surgery Summer Meeting Glasgow, 2001, Vadodaria S, Dujon D
- How Accurate is Antenatal Scan for Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate? British Association of Plastic Surgery, Annual Winter Meeting, London, 2000, Vadodaria S, Hamid A, Freedlander E
- Does Incomplete Excision of Giant Cell Tumour Warrant Further Excision? Winter British Association of Plastic Surgeons Winter Meeting, 1999 and British Society of Hand Surgery Meeting, 2000, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Page RE
- Use of Mitek Bone Anchors for Flexor Tendon Repair in Zone I British Society of Hand Surgery Meeting and British Association of Plastic Surgery Winter Meeting, London, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Page R.E
- Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Burnt Victims, Grand Round, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield 2000, Vadodaria S
- Principles of Free Tissue Transfer, Grand Round Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, 1999, Vadodaria S
- How Accurate is Antenatal Scan for Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate? Multidisciplinary Cleft Lip and Palate Audit Meeting, Sheffield, 1999, Vadodaria S, Freedlander E
- Fistula Rate, Pharyngoplasty Rate and Speech Outcome Following Furlow’s Repair in 28 Children. British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter Meeting, London, 1999, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Armstrong T, Emerson J, Freedlander E
- Breast Reconstruction using Latissimus Dorsi Flap and McGhan Style 150 Expander/Prosthesis. British Association of Plastic Surgeons’ Summer Meeting, Birmingham, 1999, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Dujon D, Caddy C
- Breast Reconstruction using Latissimus Dorsi Flap and McGhan Style 150 Expander/Prosthesis, Trent Regional Audit Meeting, Leicester, 1999, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Dujon D, Caddy C
- Breast Reconstruction using Latissimus Dorsi Flap and McGhan Style 150 Expander/Prosthesis. Spring Meeting of Midland Surgical Society, Sheffield, 1999, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Dujon D, Caddy C
- Fistulae Rate, Pharyngoplasty, and Speech Outcome Following Furlow’s Repair in 28 Unselected Patients, Craniofacial Society of Great Britain, Manchester, 1999, Vadodaria S, Harrison C, Armstrong, Emerson J, Freedlander E
- Pilot Study on M.R.I for Velopharyngeal Function, Grand Round, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, 1998, Vadodaria S
- Does MRI Add Value to Palatal Investigation? International Congress of Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Singapore, 1997, Vadodaria S, Goodacre T, Onslow P
- Does MRI Add Value to Palatal Investigation? British Association of Plastic Surgery ,Winter Annual Meeting, 1995, Vadodaria S, Goodacre T, Onslow P
- Is Tissue Expansion Worthwhile in Limbs? British Association of Plastic Surgery ,Winter Annual Meeting, 1995, Vadodaria S, Coleman D
- Does M.R.I Add Value to Palatal Investigation? Regional Postgraduate meeting at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, 1995, Vadodaria S, Goodacre T, Onslow P
- Does M.R.I Add Value to Palatal Investigation, British Association of Plastic Surgery Winter Annual Meeting, London,1995, Vadodaria S, Goodacre T, Onslow P
- Minimal Incisions in Limb Expansion, Tissue Expansion Symposium, Wakefield, 1995, Vadodaria S, Coleman D
- Anatomy and Physiology of Velopharynx after Hynes Pharyngoplasty, British Association of Plastic Surgery Winter Annual Meeting, London,1994, Vadodaria S, Khan J, Sommerlad B
- A New Device to Prevent Contracture of Graft in Eye Socket Reconstruction, All India Plastic Surgery National Conference, Varanasi,1991, Vadodaria S, Shah J
- A New Irrigation System for Toileting Large Wounds, All India Plastic Surgery National Conference, Pune,1990, Vadodaria S, Parekh D
- Review of Plastic Surgical Procedures for Treatment of Vitiligo, All India Plastic Surgery National Conference, Baroda, India,1989, Vadodaria S
- Comparison of Tattooing and Thin Partial Thickness Skin Grafting for Camouflage of Static Localised White Patches, Maharashtra, Chapter All India Surgeons Conference’ Bombay,1988, Vadodaria S
- Plastic Surgery for Localised Static White Patches, All India Surgeons’ Congress, Bhavnagar, India, 1988, Vadodaria S
- Reaching Bridge of the Nose, All India Surgeons’ Conference,1988, Vadodaria S, Goleria K
- Versatility of Latissimus Dorsi Flap. National Congress of Indian Plastic Surgery,1987, Vadodaria S, Tambewkar S
- Dynamic Approach for Severe Post Burn Face Deformity, International Burns Workshop, Bombay, India, 1987, Vadodaria S, Goleria K
- Versatility of Latissimus Dorsi Flap, Maharashtra, Chapter, All Indian Surgeons’ Annual Conference,1987, Vadodaria S, Tambewkar S
Mr Vadodaria recently appeared in the TV series, ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ on Channel 4, where he demonstrated the surgical procedure for correction of male breasts.
Mr Vadodaria has also been invited to be interviewed on radio shows and specialises in providing well rounded information to the general public regarding liposuction procedures. Mr Vadodaria was also to demonstrate liposuction surgery for an educational documentary produced by the international media agency – Reuters.