For those suffering from excessive sweating, anti-wrinkle injections treatment gives a great hope where previous therapies have failed before. The efficacy and patient satisfaction of Anti-Wrinkle Injections for hyperhidrosis treatment is considered to be excellent.
Excessive sweating doesn’t usually pose a serious threat to a person’s health, but it can be embarrassing and distressing. The inconvenience of it can also have a negative impact on the quality of life.
At our clinic we are dedictated to providing hyperhidrosis treatments that make a difference. We have experience in dealing with hyperhidrosis from the most common areas including the underarms, palms, forehead, to even more complicated areas, such as, the upper lip, nose, cheeks and feet.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi has pioneered the use of laser to treat excessive sweating in the UK since 2006.
Causes of Excessive Sweating
Hyperhidrosis is a chronic disorder of excessive sweating that can affect any body part, including the underarms, the palms, the soles of the feet, and the face.
Hyperhidrosis is when the sympathetic nervous system is running at an abnormally high level, causing excess sweating in specific parts of the body and often at inappropriate times. It isn’t a temporary condition, with some people suffering for years with constant sweating, be the sweat hot or cold.
The causes of Hyperhidrosis are unknown and why the condition starts, but it all comes down to over-activity in the sympathetic nervous system. In this system there is a chain called the Thoracic Sympathetic Ganglion Chain. This chain controls the glands which control perspiration throughout the whole body, and if a certain part of the chain starts to run at an abnormally high level, hyperhidrosis is caused.
Hyperhidrosis can either:
- Only affect certain parts of the body, most commonly the armpits, hands, feet or face; this is known as focal hyperhidrosis
- Affect the entire body, known as generalised hyperhidrosis
Most cases of generalised hyperhidrosis have an underlying cause, as it can be a side effect of taking medication or it can be related to another condition, such as, an overactive thyroid gland. Doctors may refer to this as secondary hyperhidrosis.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections Treatment
Anti-Wrinkle Injections can be used to treat hyperhidrosis in any part of the body but is most commonly done in the armpits.
It involves injections of small amounts of protein into the skin, which blocks the nerve supplying the glands, thus, preventing the glands from producing any sweat.
Using a very fine needle, a small amount of a solution of Anti-Wrinkle Injections sweat injections are placed in 10 to 15 places about 1.5 – 2 cm apart and spread evenly in each area. A course of Anti-Wrinkle Injections excessive sweating treatment (hyperhidrosis) takes about a total of 30 minutes.
Because of the areas involved in the overproduction of sweat, many people are concerned about the possible pain of treatment. Previously we had to inject local anesthetic into the wrists or ankles to produce anesthesia of the skin. Frequently these injections were only partially effective. Now, due to the development of new techniques, we are able to avoid anesthetic injections and treat all areas with Anti-Wrinkle Injections with very minimal discomfort.
The treatment hurts only minimally. Because the skin of the armpit is thin, Anti-Wrinkle Injections underarm sweating treatment there is barely felt. The needles used are extremely fine, and they themselves are not felt much but the Anti-Wrinkle Injections injection itself stings lightly. Anti-Wrinkle Injections in the palms are slightly more uncomfortable but tolerated by patients well.
Different people have different responses to treatment. In a clinical trial, sweat production was reduced by 83% one week after treatment. Furthermore, sweating was reduced by at least half in 95% of patients. The next treatment can be given when the effects of the first course wear off, this usually happens after 4 to 9 months.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections Neurotoxin treatment helps control the symptoms of severe underarm sweating, when topical medicines do not work well enough, by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.
A typical clinical visit usually takes 30 minutes, with a slightly longer visit in the case of a first-time patient for a lengthier discussion that explains the procedure and its possible side effects.
Anti-wrinkle injection is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. A topical ice pad should be applied to the skin to decrease the sensation of the injection. It generally takes between two to fourteen days to take full effect and it is best to avoid alcohol and exposure to excessive sunlight at least five days prior to treatment. Aspirin should be stopped two weeks before treatment in order to reduce bruising.
After the Anti-Wrinkle Injections treatment, the sweat doesn’t go anywhere or get blocked up because the sweat simply is not produced in the areas treated with Anti-Wrinkle Injections and the rest of the body is free to produce moisture normally.
While the injections block the nerve endings, new ones begin to grow to replace the old ones, after about 4-12 weeks, because of this; repeat treatments are required every few months, usually between 4-6 months after the procedure.
A few simple measures may optimize the safety and improve the results of treatment. To minimize the risk of later bruising, it is recommended that patients discontinue any non-essential medications or dietary supplements that can cause thinning of the blood:
Aspirin (2 weeks prior)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc)
Fish oil supplements
Vitamin E
Red wine
Anti-wrinkle injections require no downtime. However, at the London Medical and Aesthetic clinic we advise not to drink alcohol or exercise within 24 hours of the procedure.
The early clinical studies indicate that the duration of the treatment benefits is increased over time so that you should require fewer injections in the future. The duration of the effect varies from patient to patient.
How does Anti-wrinkle injections work to treat excessive sweating?
While treating patients with hemifacial spasm at Southend Hospital in England in 1993, Dr Khalaf Bushara and Dr David Park were the first to show Anti-Wrinkle Injections inhibit sweating.This was the first demonstration of nonmuscular use of Anti-Wrinkle Injections. Dr Bushara further showed the efficacy of Anti-Wrinkle Injections in treating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
In 1998, Dr. Walter Shelley of the Medical College of Ohio developed a breakthrough treatment for severe hand sweating when he injected Anti-Wrinkle Injections into patients’ palms. The patients stopped sweating on their palms for 4 to 12 months.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections was later approved for the treatment of excessive underarm sweating. Anti-Wrinkle Injections for hyperhidrosis treatment (excessive sweating) was approved in the United Kingdom in July 2001.
This is technically known as severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis – excessive underarm sweating with an unknown cause which cannot be managed by topical agents. By blocking the release of acetylcholine, which activates the sweat glands, Anti-Wrinkle Injections injections can relieve excessive sweating, a life-altering procedure for those suffering from the embarrassing ailment, and were approved for use under the arm in September 2001.
There are several different types of Anti-Wrinkle Injections (A, B, C, E, F).The Anti-Wrinkle Injections used for cosmetic purposes is the Type A Botulinum or BTX-A.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections is made from naturally occurring bacteria, and is most commonly recognised as a treatment for wrinkles, however, it has also been proven effective at treating excessive sweating.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections is a very pure preparation of a protein, Anti-Wrinkle Injections. When small doses are injected into the skin, Anti-Wrinkle Injections blocks the actions of the nerves that supply the eccrine glands; this prevents the glands from producing sweat.
When the sweat glands don’t receive chemical signals, the severe sweating stops. Anti-Wrinkle injections are expected to temporarily stop the production of excessive sweat in the treated areas only. Sweat continues to be produced elsewhere.
Excessive sweating is treated by administering an injection of Protein Anti-Wrinkle Injections to the overactive sweat glands, which are identified by first applying a powder to the skin. The protein acts by blocking excess nerve signals to the sweat glands, thus reducing the amount of sweat the body releases.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections is a naturally occurring substance, it can be used as an effective and powerful medication.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections has been approved for treating excessive sweatingt in the United Kingdom in July 2001 and has been found to be both safe and effective. It appears that this type of sweating is caused by overactivity of the nervous system.
A long-term study has shown that side effects are minimal, and repeated injections over 4-6 months are safe and efficacious, with 50% or greater reduction in sweating seen in 96% of patients after the first treatment
Patients who should not have Anti-Wrinkle Injections are:
Patients who are pregnant or trying for pregnancy, breastfeeding
Patients with certain neuromuscular conditions (e.g. myasthenia gravis)
Those with infections at the treatment site
Patients taking aminoglycoside antibiotics
Possible Side Effects
With Anti-Wrinkle Injections procedures there is rare possible side effects which include:
- An increase in sweating in parts of the body other than the area treated with Anti-wrinkle injections
- Soreness at the injection site, this is the most common side effect and should alleviate within a few hours
- Temporary muscle paralysis
- Flu-like symptoms such as a headache, fever, fatigue, sore throat etc
- If having Anti-Wrinkle Injections in the palms of the hands, it can cause mild and temporary weakness and intense pain during the procedure
- Anxiety, Mild dry mouth, Mild bruising or haemorrhaging at the site of injection. This is usually reversible
- Severe allergic reactions (uncommon)
Rarely, some patients might complain of respiratory problems after Anti-wrinkle injections treatment, but this is likely to be a result of neglecting to tell the clinician of any underlying health problems before going ahead with the treatment.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction to Anti-Wrinkle Injections may include: itching, rash, red itchy welts, wheezing, asthma symptoms, or dizziness or feeling faint.
Alternative Treatments
Another possible treatment for sweaty hands is a device called Drionic, where patint places his  hands on a special wet pad and have a weak current run through the hands.
Scopolamine can also help to prevent sweating, but it can make patient dizzy so they must take it in very low doses. Propanthelin 15 mg pills will reduce sweating for a few hours, but it can also make pateint feel dizzy.
Inderal pill
Many people sweat profusely because they are nervous about appearing before an audience. An Inderal pill taken one half hour before public speaking or any other high-pressure event can prevent the sweating, shaking and other effects of stage fright. Inderal is a beta blocker commonly used to control blood pressure; it is a safe and very effective way to get rid of even the worst stage fright. Patient must check with their doctor before having any medications.
Laser for Excessive Sweating
Laser treatment has been successful in producing long-term benefit. The Smartlipo laser destroy the sweat glands. This is done under local anesthesia.
Some patients get a complete absence of sweating, while others get a reduction of sweating to the point that it can be controlled by topical antiperspirants.
Read More about Laser to treat excessive sweating – Hyperhidrosis.