Cellulaze has long eluded an effective medical solution. Topical cellulite treatments such as creams and lotions, massage, ultrasound and even surgical subcision have all yielded inconsistent, unsatisfactory results. The difficulty in treating cellulite is due to the many factors which produce the dimpled look characteristic of cellulite.
Structural issues within or underneath the dermal layer, including lack of collagen and thinning of the skin, bulging subcutaneous fat and stiffened fibrous connective tissues combine to create the dimpled appearance associated with cellulite.
An effective cellulite treatment must address all three major causes of cellulite below the skin: Stiffened fibrous septae, bulging fat and thinning skin.
Cellulaze is a minimally invasive laser treatment specifically designed to attack all three causes of cellulite in just one treatment. Indicated and cleared for a long lasting improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Cellulaze treats the fibrous septae, reduces fat and increases skin thickness and elasticity to flatten and smooth the skin’s surface.
After local anaesthesia is administered to the treatment area, the Cellulaze laser fibre, threaded through a cannula, is then inserted through a small incision.
Cellulaze combines the use of a pulsed ND yag laser and cynosure’s sidelight, side firing laser, as the laser energy is applied to the tissue, micro bubbles begin to form at the tip of the laser, these bubbles serve to disrupt and heat the pockets of fat, at the same time the energy delivered is highly absorbed by the adipose tissue, which efficiently breaks up the tissue and disrupts the fat.
The sidelight technology allows you to directly target the tissue from different angles to treat the underlying causes of cellulite. Next the Cellulaze laser energy is used to thermally subside the septal bands which pull down on the skin and create the dimpling effect.
Releasing these bands creates smoother looking skin. In the last step the laser energy is directed upwards and the skin is gently heated. This coagulates the collagen and allows the growth of new collagen, ultimately increasing skin thickness and elasticity.
Mr Ayham Al-Ayoubi explains: effective cellulite treatment means addressing the three structural causes of cellulite:
Fibrous septae, bulging pockets of  fat and the natural thinning of the skin that occurs with aging.
Cellulaze laser treatment employs the 1440-nm wavelength along with the proprietary Sidelight 3D fiber, which directs laser energy precisely where needed to achieve long-lasting, effective results.
With the laser energy directed upward, the skin is slightly heated coagulating the collagen and stimulating a growth of new collagen. Turn the handpiece ninety degrees, and the laser thermally subcises the septal bands that pull down the skin creating the dimpling effect. Rotate the handpiece another ninety degrees and the laser energy disrupts the bulging pockets of fat.
Cellulaze is also equipped with cynosure’s intelligent delivery technology: thermaguide and smartsense. Cynosure’s thermaguide ensures optimal results throughout the procedure. A temperature probe at the tip of the cannula constantly monitors the subdermal temperature and automatically remains a safe target temperature.
Smartsense accelerator technology automatically turns the laser off when the handpiece is stationary, preventing the likelihood of overheating or hotspots. Both thermaguide and smartsense technologies are important for providing a uniform treatment and yielding the best possible results.
Cellulaze Laser technology offering a light-based solution for the treatment of cellulite. The system has a solid state Nd: YAG emitting light in the 1440-nm wavelength.
Cellulaze laser treatments have demonstrated a benefit from the use of subcutaneous laser energy in terms of tissue tightening through tissue coagulation, as well as, the regeneration of collagen and connective tissue.
Patients in clinical studies have demonstrated an average increase in skin thickness of 23 percent and 27 percent at one month and one year, respectively, while skin elasticity increased an average of 32 percent at one month and 21 percent at one year. Like any procedure there is a period of healing when new collagen is formed. Ultrasound measurements have demonstrated a 22 % increase in skin thickness and a 32% increase in skin elasticity.
Watch the Cellulaze laser for cellulite animation video.