Mr Abdul Kasem


Mr Abdul Kasem is working as a Consultant Breast Surgeon with an interest in Oncoplastic and Reconstruction Breast Surgery. His surgical skills include immediate and delayed breast reconstruction, nipple reconstructions, lipofilling, breast augmentation, Breast Uplift and breast reduction.

He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the King’s College Medical School – University of London. He works as a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon  at the Medway NHS Hospital Foundation Trust.  In addition, he works at the London Breast Institute.


Mr Abdul Kasem is working as a Consultant Breast Surgeon with an interest in Oncoplastic and Reconstruction Breast Surgery. His surgical skills include immediate and delayed breast reconstruction, nipple reconstructions, lipofilling, breast fat graft, breast augmentation, mastopexy (Breast Uplift) and breast reduction.

He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the King’s College Medical School – University of London. He works as a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at the Medway NHS Hospital Foundation Trust.  In addition, he works at the London Breast Institute.

Mr Kasem’s training and experience was with the Oncoplastic Unit at the Princess Royal University Hospital, London.

He worked an honorary part-time secondment with the breast cancer-oncoplastic surgery team at the Royal Marsden Hospital. He joined South-East London Breast Cancer Screening at the King’s College University Hospital and the oncoplastic surgery team at St Thomas’ Hospital to perform breast oncology procedures for breast cancer patients. The surgical experience and training at these different breast cancer surgical units gave Mr Kasem the golden opportunity to gain the required expertise and skills in the management of breast surgery.


Breast Cancer

Breast Diseases

Breast Oncoplastic & Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reduction

Breast Mastopexy (Breast Uplift)

Breast Augmentation


Hernia Surgery


Consultant Surgeon at Medway NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Senior Lecturer at Kings College Medical School – University of London


Royal College of Surgeons of England

British Association of Surgical Oncology

British Association of Breast Surgery


Mr Kasem’s hobbies include tennis, cycling and walking around the Kent countryside.

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