Breast Uplift- Mastopexy

Recent research has shown that about 70% of women are unhappy with their breasts, regardless of age.

The actual percentage ranged from 67% to 74%, but overall remained relatively constant. What did change was the particular complaints women had about their breasts. While younger women were more likely to complain their breasts were too small, older women were more likely to complain their breasts were too droopy.

A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and loss of skin elasticity can result from:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breast Feeding
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Aging
  • Gravity
  • Heredity

Droopiness of the breast is a common due to motherhood, nursing, and the force of gravity taking its toll on the breast.

The effect of pregnancy and a distension of the breasts with milk causes the fibrous bands which are the glands which support the breasts in their shape, to break down and the skin to stretch.

This subsequent shrinking of the unsupported breasts settling into the stretched skin and thus gravity pulls them down.

Another cause of droopy breasts is an increase in weight or weight loss and the ageing process.

Whilst it is not possible to surgically recreate the natural supporting structure of the breast, it is possible to reshape the breast into one which looks more firm and youthful.

At the London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic we can offer women who are unhappy with their breasts, a breast uplift. A breast lift is called a Mastopexy. which is a surgical procedure to reshape and raise sagging breasts without altering the overall volume of the breast.

During the procedure pleats of surplus skin are removed from underneath the breast, the breast itself is then remodelled into a tighter cone and the nipples are repositioned at a higher level so that they lie at the points of the tightened breasts.

Mastopexy can also reduce the size of the areola which is the darker skin surrounding the nipple.

If the breasts are too small as well as droopy, their size can be increased during the operation by placing silicone breast implants underneath the tightened breasts. This would give the breasts a more rounded and natural appearance.

The best results of a breast uplift are achieved in women with small sagging breasts although breasts of any size can be lifted. The results may not last as long with heavy breasts.

Many women seek mastopexy when their families are complete so if you are planning to have further children it would be suitable to postpone the although a mastopexy does not usually interfere with breast feeding, pregnancy is likely to stretch the breast again and reduce the effectiveness and results of the procedure.

A breast lift or series of lifts can be performed to give the breasts a more youthful and “perky” appearance.

Breast Uplift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the UK. Our leading experts Consultant plastic surgeon and consultant breast Surgeon can help our patients to achieve the shape and results they desire.

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

London Medical and Aesthetic clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide medical care and Pharmaceutical Dispenser service.
CQC Registration No: 1-67658846
Pharmaceutical Dispenser License Certificate No: 1-154621541

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